Frequently Asked Questions

What are your thoughts on the role of politics in school board decisions?

By state law School Board is non-partisan body, that is why I am registered No Party Preference to ensure voters I will not serve the interest of any political party in serving on School Board.

What are your top priorities for improving our schools?

A public school governance process in which there is a positive and productive relationship and balance between the role of educators in the governance process and the community in education process that preserves excellence in education and democracy in governance.

How do you plan to ensure transparency and accountability in decision-making?

Comply more consistently and faithfully with Education Code and Government Code (Brown Act) to empower Board and community to work in cooperation and collaboration with educators employed in our local schools to produce optimal outcomes for students.

What motivated you to run for the Laguna Beach School Board?

Local public school governance by our School Board needs reform to comply with State Education Code and Government Code.  We need diversity and a “deep bench” School Board to ensure more informed and meaningful community participation and representation in decision-making that impacts students, teachers families and community.